(Podcast/Video) EXTREME METAL NEW RELEASES - February 2022
Our 'New & Upcoming Releases' podcast series introduces new underground releases to our listeners. This episode we focus solely on extreme metal releases issued in February 2022.
Let the mayhem begin!
(0:00) "Beast Inside"
ELIZABETH - Elizabeth
(3:30) "We've Come With Peace"
KARABINER - single
(10:34) "Dies Irie"
ULTRA SILVAM - The Sanctity of Death
(14:40) "Thirst For Ritual"
DEATHHAMMER - Electric Warfare
(17:20) "Devoted To Hades"
EXTINGUISHED - Vomitous Manifestations
(20:50) "Sanity Cause"
TYMO - The Art of a Maniac
(23:49) "Evil Majestic Vengeance"
WARKVLT - Le666ion of Nusantara
(28:27) "Harbor of Drifting Souls"
SEPULCHRAL - From Beyond The Burial Mound
(32:09) "Seven Horns of the Deceiver Gods"
MALUM MORTUUS - Ashes of the Traitor's Cross
(35:15) "Torture of Death"
HEXENALTAR - Tormented Possession
