(Podcast) DIRTY ROTTEN IMBECILES (D.R.I.) - In 40 Minutes
It`s time for some crossover!
The Mighty Decibel curates the best 40 minutes of the legendary D.R.I. covering material from all of their six full length releases.
Tear down the walls and get with the manifest destiny ... crossover is here to stay!!
Side One
Dealing With It (1985)
(0:00) Snap
(1:08) Rather Be Sleeping
(2:16) Couch Slouch
(3:39) I Don`t Need Society
Crossover (1987)
(5:08) Five Year Plan
(9:09) Tear It Down
(12:47) A Coffin
(13:46) Hooked
Four Of A Kind (1988)
(16:30) All For Nothing
Side 2
(20:29) Manifest Destiny
(23:08) Shut Up!
Thrash Zone (1989)
(25:57) Thrashard
(29:30) Worker Bee
Definition (1992)
(30:27) Tone Deaf
Full Speed Ahead (1995)
(33:29) Problem Addict
(35:10) Syringes In The Sandbox
(38:52) Drawn and Quartered
