(Playlist) OBITUARY - In 40 Minutes
Be prepared to meet your death!
It's finally time for The Mighty Decibel to focus its attention on one of death metal's godfathers ... Obituary. Here we put together an amazing 40 minute playlist of the band's very best material for you, our fearless listeners.
Any final thoughts before the killing time?!
Side One
Slowly We Rot (1989)
(0:00) Godly Beings
(1:55) Words of Evil
Cause of Death (1990)
(3:48) Chopped In Half
The End Complete (1992)
(7:31) Killing Time
(11:26) The End Complete
(15:28) Back To One
Side 2
World Demise (1994)
(19:07) Final Thoughts
Back From the Dead (1997)
(23:15) Threatening Skies
Frozen In Time (2005)
(25:33) Redneck Stomp
Xecutioner's Return (2007)
(29:05) Face Your God
Darkest Day (2009)
(31:58) Violent Dreams
Inked In Blood (2014)
(33:56) Inked In Blood
Obituary (2017)
(38:02) Brave
Dying of Everything (2023)
(40:16) Barely Alive
