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(Playlist) 90s ENTOMBED - In 40 Minutes

It would be an understatement to say that Swedish unit Entombed were huge in the 90s, seeing that they were considered the next "big thing" in extreme metal. In that decade they went from Swedish death metal kings to death'n'roll innovators, kicking uber-ass along the way.

So enjoy this 40 minute playlist focused on the band's pioneering 90s material.

Revel in flesh!!!

Side One

Left Hand Path (1990)

(0:00) Left Hand Path

(6:34) Revel In Flesh

(10:10) Supposed To Rot

Clandestine (1991)

(12:08) Severe Burns

Wolverine Blues (1993)

(17:00) Eyemaster

Side 2

(20:20) Rotten Soil

(23:43) Out of Hand

To Ride, Shoot Straight and Speak The Truth (1997)

(26:59) Like This With The Devil

(29:09) Just As Sad

(30:59) Wreckage

Same Difference (1998)

(35:00) What You Need




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