(Playlist) 2K HIGH ENERGY ROCK'N'ROLL - In 40 Minutes
Who said that rock'n'roll was dead? Fools!
High energy rock'n'roll can be found in abundance in the 2Ks, perfect for the hard rocker/metalhead who wants a little change in ear candy, but still likes it lusty and loud.
So here you have it, The Mighty Decibel's carefully curated playlist of some of the best hard hitting, high energy, kick ass, motherfuckers-be-trippin' rock'n'roll from the past 22 years.
C'mon - rub it to death!!
Side One
(0:00) "Last Barang": HOT BREATH - Rubbery Lips
(3:02) "Creatures of Habit": KOSMIK BOOGIE TRIBE - We're Not Here To Fuck Spiders
(6:09) "Baby Borderline": THE HELLACOPTERS - High Visibility
(8:59) "Undermine/Overthrow": SHOT DOWN TWICE - Shot Down Twice (12:43) "Bite Off": DIAMOND DOGS - As Your Greens Turn Brown
(15:59) Tied Down": HARD ACTION - Hot Wired Beat
Side 2
(20:23) "Raining Fire": BROKEN TEETH - Bulldozer
(23:00) "Goodbye": SUPERSUCKERS - Motherfuckers Be Trippin'
(24:30) "Two Way Traffic": STATUS QUO - Quid Pro Quo
(28:40) "Rub It To Death": NASHVILLE PUSSY - Up The Dosage
(31:38) "Drunk On A Sunday": ALPHA BOYS - Saviours of Rock'N'Roll
(35:03) "The Day of the Bitch": MOTORASTOLA - Working Class Metal
(36:57) "Rot'N'Roll": WOLFBLOOD - Nightriders
(39:24) "Hot For Preacher": COBRA WHIP - Must Die ...
