(Playlist) 2022 : THE YEAR IN HARD'N'HEAVY - In 40 Minutes
Join The Mighty Decibel for our specially curated look (listen?) of the best in hard'n'heavy music for the year. Listen to the best trad metal, hard rock, speed metal, classic rock and punk rock of the year.
Horns high!!!
Side 1
(0:00) "Spirit of Death": SAVAGE MASTER - Those Who Hunt At Night
(2:56) "Speedemons": XIL - Rip & Tear
(6:54) "Scythian Women": SANHEDRIN - Lights On
(10:16) "Speed Inferno": SEAX - Speed Inferno
(13:38) "Airboat": LIMOUSINE BEACH - Limousine Beach
(15:41) "Ritual": MAULE - Maule
(19:21) "Pleading With The Cosmic Mother": CHURCH OF THE COSMIC SKULL - There Is No Time
Side 2
(22:51) "Siren of the Air": STEEL INFERNO - Evil Reigns
(26:02) "Reap A Hurricane": THE HELLACOPTERS - The Eyes Of Oblivion
(29:18) "Rider of the Night": HARDROCKER - Rider of the Night
(35:37) "Undermine/Overthrow": SHOT DOWN TWICE - Shot Down Twice
(38:21) "Inside An Icy Light": MIRROR QUEEN - Inviolate
(42:41) "Vicki's Polka": THE DREADNOUGHTS - Roll and Go
(46:33) "Winterspring Summerfall": TED NUGENT - Detroit Muscle
(51:11) "Break Free": ROKETS - Break Free
