(Playlist) 2020:THE YEAR IN METAL - In 40 Minutes
Let's celebrate the year in heavy that 2020 brought upon our cauliflowered ears. Whether it be extreme metal, hardcore punk, doom metal or hard'n'heavy, we've got you covered.
One things is for sure when listeneing to this, your safe space isn't here!!!!
Side 1
(0:00) "Blood For The Crypt Dagger": CRYPT DAGGER - From Below
(2:45) "He Is The Fight": WYTCH HAZEL - III:Pentecost
(6:29) "Hail To The Emperor": DROPDEAD - Dropdead
(7:54) "Astro Tongue": HEX A.D. - Astro Tongue In the Electric Garden
(12:38) "Prision": DISBRIGADE - Catastrofe Mundial
(14:55) "Ash and Stone" (partial): MOONSTONE - Moonstone
(17:07) "Nary Good Doer": THE REAL MCKENZIES - Beer & Loathing
(19:13) "Panzer VI": WARKVLT - Death Hymn
Side 2
(22:27) "The Siren's Song": SLEEPING VILLAGE - Holy Water
(27:42) "Wastrels": MEGATON SWORD - Blood Hails Steel - Steel Hails Fire
(31:22) "Torture Ship": CAPRA - Capra
(34:04) "Your Safe Space Isn't Here": PERDITION SECT - End Times
(36:26) "Shadowed By A Veil of Scythian Arrows: HATE FOREST - The Hour of the Centaur
(40:34) "Alla Ska Ha": ZYFILIS - Alla Ska Ha
(42:46) "Hollywood Is The CIA": LOOSE NUKES - Cult Leaders
