(Live Review) SUPERSUCKERS - Toronto, Horseshoe Tavern (08/30/23)
Written by Jeff Tighe
The Supersuckers rolled into Toronto yet again to blast the faithful with their own particluar brand of punk'n'roll, and blasted the faithful were. Having been on the road for some 35 years, the band are now, without a doubt, grizzled veterans of the rock'n'roll scene. In fact, if they weren't on stage playing, they are so gizzled you'd be tempted to give them some spare change for a hot meal. (Ed: And a shower!)

The band have been a three piece for almost a decade now, comprised of Eddie Spaghetti on vocals and bass, Metal Marty Chandler as the sole guitarist and backing vocals, and drummer Chris von Streicher. Spaghetti's vocals were a bit stonger this time around compared to how they were the last time this reviewer saw the band live, and one wonders if he is taking better care of his health....but then one stops wondering such silly things. The Supersuckers are a party rock band, and without said party they would surely lose their reason for living.
The setlist was comprised of the usual fan favourites such as "The Evil Powers of Rock n Roll", "Rock Your Ass", "Doublewide" and "Born With a Tail", along with newer numbers such as "Rocket 69" which had a simple song structure that would have been the envy of Johnny Ramone. There were also several songs from Chandler's solo album, including "Idaho, Baby!", an ode to his home state, and "Goddamn Divorce", an ode to the state of his home (I suspect).

Despite their advancing age, Spaghetti and Chandler have a great stage presence and musical chemistry together, and it seems likely they will continue their collaboration until one or both of them is dragged off the stage and placed six feet under.
Other stand out songs included an interesting, rocking version of "Roadworn and Weary" and the raucous autobiographical life lesson of "I Want the Drugs". The band also performed their classic "Pretty Fucked Up" near the end of the set.
Overall it was another entertaining evening of music from the band that bills itself "the greatest rock'n'roll band in the world", and who am I to contradict them?
All of the Time
Ain't Gonna Stop (Until I Stop it)
Rock n Roll Records (Ain't Selling this Year)
The Evil Powers of Rock n Roll
Roadworn and Weary
Creepy Jackalope Eye
Get the Hell
Dead Inside
Deceptive Expectation
Rocket 69
Mighty Joe Young
The History of Rock n Roll
Rock Your Ass
Working My Ass Off
Goddamn Divorce
Idaho, Baby!
Hell City, Hell
I Want the Drugs
Pretty Fucked Up
Born With a Tail