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The Mighty Decibel thanks all of its loyal readers/viewers/listeners as we hit the 100,000 listens/views mark across all of our platforms this weekend.

The Mighty Decibel came to life in February of 2018 as an album review site for ex-Rip'n'Tear writer and ex-Bravewords & Bloody Knuckles contributor Chris Tighe. A number of different contributors have shared their thoughts here, with Jeff Tighe being the main long-term scribe to continue to turn a phrase with his insightful album reviews. Podcasts were added to the mix later on that same year, as we tried to expand our reach. You Tube versions of the podcasts were added in 2019, while actual in-person videos were added late in 2020. Additionally, recently we just opened up our own Discogs Store where we sell our private collection of CDs, vinyl, DVDs and cassettes.

So, we've seen lots of changes here at Mighty Decibel Central over the last three years. However, to be honest, growth in views/listens and followers (currently approaching 1300 across the different platforms) has been somewhat disappointing given the significant changes and effort expended over the years.

Oh well, the people have spoken and The Mighty Decibel seems destined to be a niche metal franchise. But that's okay, that just means that we can consider ourselves and our followers as elite!





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