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(Live Review) SLAUGHTER + VIXEN - St. Charles, Illinois (9/8/23)
By The Beard & Little Johnny Tonight, followers and fanatics, your tireless reviewing duo (The Beard and Little Johnny) attend show #53...

(Live Review) ROB ZOMBIE + ALICE COOPER + MINISTRY - Tinley Park Illinois (9/1/23)
By The Beard & Little Johnny Today, my good readers, fans, and followers, your normal tour reviewing duo has become a quintet for show...

(Playlist) AN INTRODUCTION TO ... 2K Black Metal Bands
Proving that the black metal genre is in good hands, The Mighty Decibel amalgamates a playlist of some of the best output from bands born...

(Playlist) EXTREME METAL NEW RELEASES - August/September 2023
This episode we focus solely on extreme metal releases issued in August and September 2023. Hear the best thrash, death and black metal...

(Live Review) YNGWIE MALMSTEEN + GLENN HUGHES - The Arcada, Illinois (8/26/23)
The Beard and Little Johnny Tonight loyal, (and might we say brilliant and astute), readers of our weekly reviews, The Beard and Little...

(Live Review) THE ARTIMUS PYLE BAND + HEAD EAST - The Arcade, Illinois (8/20/23)
By The Beard & Little Johnny Tonight, your tireless review team of The Beard and Little Johnny record yet another milestone as we attend...

(Playlist) AN INTRODUCTION TO ... Southern Rock for Metalheads
Welcome back to our An Introduction To ... series which provides a playlist that we think is representative of the genre/sub-genre in...

(Podcast/Video) HARD'N'HEAVY NEW RELEASES - August/September 2023
Our Hard'N'Heavy series of podcasts focuses on new traditional metal and hard rock releases ... along with the odd hard rock'n'roll and...

(Live Review) WITCHAVEN + TRAITOR + WRAITH - Reggie's, Chicago (8/16/23)
By The Beard & Little Johnny If it’s a new night, then there must be a new show to review, right Johnny? Indeed, there is, and tonight...

(Live Review) GHOST + AMON AMARTH - Huntington Beach Arena, Chicago (8/15/23)
The Beard & Little Johnny Today, it is a “team effort” for event #48 and bands #222-223 on the yearlong The Reviews Never Stop Tour 2023....
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