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(Live Review) MARYLAND DOOMFEST - Day 2, June 24/22
Review by Mark McQueen For Day #2, the plan was to just stay planted in Café 611 where the main acts were playing. I did lose Little...

(Playlist) THE ACCUSED (The 80s) - In 40 Minutes
Ah, The Accused. In their hands crossover thrash never sounded so untamed, so absolutely bonkers. Much of that came from the Blayne's...

(Podcast/Video) HARDCORE PUNK NEW RELEASES - June/July 2022
It's time to revel in the new hardcore punk, d-beat, metal punk and grindcore releases issued from June and July 2022. Grind 'til...

(Podcast/Video) Top 5 DOOM METAL ALBUMS of 2022 (To Date)
We've hit the half-way mark for the year, so it's time for The Mighty Decibel to name its fave releases of 2022 (so far) across four...

(Live Review) MARYLAND DOOMFEST - Day 1, June 23/22
Review by Mark McQueen Festivals are a great part of a reviewer’s life. We get to see a vast number of bands in one place, experience big...

(Playlist) 70s STATUS QUO - In 40 Minutes
Shame that most headbangers in North American are clueless as to the joys of the mighty Status Quo ... a band I consider to be the...

(Podcast/Video) DOOM METAL NEW RELEASES - June/July 2022
It's Monday, so it's time for our NEW RELEASE MONDAYS podcast series. This edition we're focusing on Doom Metal where we spotlight new...
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